around 10 of us went there~
bad news!! chee haw is not coming...and his brother, chee ren is not coming too~ sorry ya cheeren ~
yie kwan's apartment~
the swimming pool was very dirt so we canceled the swimming plan~ *sob*
walking around...*sigh*
this pic was very...i took it by zooming them from far away~ it is very clear!! haha
me and ronica~^^
me and suet nie^^ she looks terrify..
bla bla..
steven,delcan,kelvin and daryl ( in the middle ) ><
everyone is waiting for jason at the pondok~
we beh tahan daryl called him..
while waiting for him..we went to the playground~
spot daryl...haha
i wonder why everyone love the bully daryl ?? hehe
this pic was cool..whether steven is standing on the ground ..or standing on the see-saw??
Jason finally came~ he pass the botlles of drinks at the back gate ..after he pass it to us,then he said he will come in here, through the front gate there..after he left,we look each other and asked " WHY WE ARE THE ONE WHO TAKING THIS BOTTLES?!?!?!?!" how stupid we are!!! ><
*emo-ing* while waiting for suet nie's boyfriend..
feeling quite weird wearing on ronica's spectacles..haha
the cake "dies" very terrible..><
we locked jason in yiekwan's house coz he is so slow in there..haha
it rained that day~
hard to having barbaque there..
we all full with sweat coz moving the tables in and out..
when raining we move it in..after the rain stops..move it out again!!
it is a fun day..but my camera spoilt cause dropped from the floor..
when i back home, i refuse to tell my mum the incident happened..
she scolded me the whole night till the second day ~aizzz
i miss my camera~~ ><