

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Random awesome.

Yuna- Random awesome. nice song :)

My sis made CHOCOLATE LAVA CAKE with few helpers yesterday. Tasty ! :D the ingredients are kinda costly. hahaha more specific,the dark chocolates.

My mummy fixed my eyebrows yesterday. 

It may seems no difference to you ?  :D

Here's a before and after photo.

BEFORE                                                                                                                                                           AFTER

Mum always good at those beauty things. lol She fixed my eyebrows to a curved shape, looked neater.

I have nice eyebrow on my left side but not the right side. WHY? cause i had an accident when i was a kid and left stitched scars on my right eyebrow. so it's kinda hard to make a curved shape, but it is still okay.

My mum had warned me ,it will be a painful process. Yea, it is. OUCH OUCH OUCH! Now i know how painful it is to pull out hairs from our body. Especially those who remove breast hairs or leg hairs. It will make your tears flow..

wink ! ^.<

ps: excited for my coming holiday trip!

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